Mortgage Delivery Guy

non mortgage

Non Mortgage Solutions

2 Non Mortgage Solutions!

 Alternative non mortgage solutions are equally potent when implemented correctly with the right parties.

Mostly people think that the best way to own a home in Canada is via mortgage. There are alternative non mortgage solutions you can use to own home as long as you keep open mind and make an attempt to understand the strategy behind it.

Imagine this; Alex and Natasha young couple in their late 30’s successfully employed with savings including RRSP money for their down payment.

They are looking to buy their first home. However due to their past financial decisions, their credit is bad and no Canadian lenders feels comfortable lending money to them.

Recent credit crunch and introduction of Mortgage PMS by lenders has caught many first time home buyers and those looking to refinance their homes difficult to qualify for a mortgage.

Does that mean that home buyers like

Alex and Natasha are left with no choice other than continue flushing their rent money into toilet?

Continue reading below and be the Judge!

There are two equally powerful, yet least known non mortgage solutions which can help Canadians own their home or save their home when banks reject their mortgage application.

1. Lease Option

2. Strategic Partnerships

If you are looking to buy your own home but banks cookie cutter approach does not qualify you for a mortgage, why not consider non mortgage solutions.

These solutions are highly customizable to your needs and necessities. These strategies consider more than just Credit.

It’s all about your (ICCC); Intention, Capacity, Commitment and lastly your Credit:

You are invited to connect with us to evaluate your alternatives. Due to access to different types of lenders we may be able to match you with a lender who would love to work with you!

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