Mortgage Delivery Guy


Mortgage Protection Plan

What is a Mortgage Protection Plan?

Mortgage protection plan is a form of mortgage liability insurance which is underwritten by Manulife Financial, one of the largest company providing insurance. Mortgage Protection Plan is also referred to as MPP.

How does Manulife Mortgage Protection Plan Works?

Its very simple …. When borrowers dies or gets disabled and can not earn money to make payments, the protection plan take over the mortgage payments so that borrowers family  continues living int he property. 
The coverage starts almost instantly.

What is the difference between banks and a Brokers Mortgage Protection Plan?

The one critical difference between these two is that brokers protection plan is fully portable whereas banks plans are not.

This important feature becomes important when you decide to change banks in the future for better interest rates, equity take out line of credits and much more.

Your 10 Ultimate Benefits of Mortgage Insurance Plan

The secret to mortgage delivery guy’s success is providing customized solutions for mortgages and other related services through complementary strategic affiliations with professionals who not only possess integrity but are also capable of custom designing solutions for clients. 

Our job is to make you aware of all your benefits so that you decide what is best for you. 

If you already have a mortgage or are looking to get new mortgage, give us a call to schedule a meeting to discuss your present and future needs and mortgage liability insurance needs.

Allow Us An Opportunity To Win Your Home Loan and Mortgage Protection Plan. You Will be Pleased You Did.


Best Financing Option

Upon applying for a mortgage through us, If we are unable to find you an absolute best mortgage option, I will personally recommend you to someone who can, plus a free gift.

The 48 Hours Status Update

During your mortgage loan approval process, you will receive regular updates every 48 hours. This makes sure you receive reliable service you deserve.

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