Mortgage Delivery Guy

Genworth Canada Mortgage Tips

Updated: March 26, 2020

genworth canada mortgage tips-

Genworth Canada Mortgage Tips: Check them out and you will find lots of information including check list and much more. 



This federal government program aka Home Buyers Plan (HBP) allow first time home buyers to withdraw RRSP funds up to $25,000 once with out any income tax on it.

If both you and your spouse/ partner qualifies for this federal government program, you can each borrow up to $25,000. 

As long as you or your partner have not owned a primary residence within last 5 years and you are buying this property to live in you may be qualified for home buyers plan (HBP).

YES, you have to pay the rrsp withdrawn under the home buyers plan as a first time home buyer.

As per the plan all first time home buyers should start paying the rrsp loan back from year two onwards. 

In general 1/15th of the borrowed rrsp funds under home buyers plan should be paid off every year. Any unpaid amount will be taxed in year 15.

If you buying  a primary residnece in Ontario you may qualify for a Land Transfer Tax rebate from provicial government. You may receive back up to $4,000 in taxes you paid when buying your first home in Ontario.

To learn more click this CRA link now.

Yes Indeed!

If you are ready to buy your first home in Ontario Canada, You should speak to a mortgage expert who will take time to sit with you, evaluate your situation in detail, gather income and down payment documents and is willing to evaluate your credit details. 

Being pre approved has become critical for all first time home buyers since Jan 01, 2018 when mortgage stress test was implemented. Everyone who has purchased a home in past or are first time home buyers has to pass the mortgage stress test.

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